MOVE YOUR BOD often! And Meditate!6/23/2016 Exercise and movement are not something to be measured in weekly minutes. We need to move often, it doesn't have to be a big workout, just bring mindful awareness into your body, stretch, walk around, circle your hips, your head, your ankles, your wrists- feel the internal connections of your body as a whole! 5 minutes of gentle body friendly movement every hour helps assuage some of the detriments of our sedentary lifestyles. You hydrate your fascia through movement, add some deep diaphragmatic breathing and you will also stimulate your lymphatic system and maybe even activate your parasympathetic (rest and digest) nervous system. It is in the parasympathetic spaces that we find real regeneration!
If you are sitting at your desk or on your couch for hours and hours every day then going to take a "Burn" or high intensity class might actually do more harm than good to the soft tissues in your body. More consistent movement, more often, in diverse environments can be game changing. The resilience of your soft tissues depends a lot on your age and how you take care of your animal body. We can choose to age wisely through nutrition (eat REAL food), sleep (I get 8 hours regularly), hydration (drink good water and move your body) and learning to dial down our nervous system. How do we dial down our nervous system? Softening the center, releasing stress, and tuning into deep levels of consciousness. This can be done through meditation, micro-movement, somatics, breath work etc. I depend on all of those A LOT.
Laura V Ward
Laura engages with vitality through movement, dance, music, and art. Nurturing creativity is her passion through mindful joyous participation in existence. ArchivesCategories |
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